Hi, I’m Leah. You have somehow stumbled across my blog, LeahLivesConsciously.com. I’m glad you’re here!

I know that the term “conscious living” is having a big moment right now and has become a trendy thing, but here is what it all boils down to for me and why this blog has the name it does:

con·scious·ly [ˈkänSHəslē]


  1. in a deliberate and intentional way.

What I am trying to do here isn’t groundbreaking. I am just looking to be intentional about how I live my life, and hopefully, help you find ways to do the same with yours. When we aren’t conscious about how we are living we can find that days, weeks, months, or even years slip by in a blur that we don’t recognize or remember. We get stagnant. We lose the joy and wonder that we once had.

This is a space to discuss all the different ways to try to live with intention. There are all kinds of things, big and small, that I try to do. Maybe you will learn something new that you will want to implement in your own life. Or maybe you will have an idea that you want to send to me! Conscious, intentional living looks different for everyone. The things that you value and prioritize may be completely different than the things that I value and prioritize, but the important thing is that they work for you and your life.

I also want to be clear that a lot of things that I do to try to live more consciously are still new to me or are works in progress. Low-waste living is something I work at every day, but I forget my reusable bags and coffee cups and cloth napkins sometimes. I am very interested in sustainable and ethical fashion, but I still own a lot of fast fashion. There are a lot of things I do in my daily life to take care of my mental, emotional, and physical health, but some days I skip the workout and eat the junk food and let my depression and anxiety get the best of me. And that’s okay.

I say all that to say this: I’m not anywhere near perfect, and my goal is to never let this blog simply become a highlight reel. I plan to share the highs and the lows and view of a real life with all of its imperfections. We are all works in progress, and I see no value in pretending otherwise.

I hope you join me on this journey. It should be a grand adventure.